We have been hard at work rolling out #SafeLearnOrNoReturn. We are asking all families and education workers to fight with us. Our main asks are more funding for small class sizes to allow for adequate physical distancing in classrooms, more funding for transportation to allow for adequate physical distancing on school buses, and more funding for safety protocols.
Link to updated resources and events
Organized by grassroots group York Communities for Public Education and moderated by its co-chairperson Shameela Shakeel, the panellists include a Newmarket biostatistician and high school science department head, a high school student, teachers who work in elementary and secondary schools, along with Shakeel as a Newmarket parent of four children.
The #SafeLearnOrNoReturn initiative encourages families and education workers to demand a funding boost from the Ontario government that would make it possible to reduce elementary class sizes to allow for adequate physical distancing, add more school buses to allow students more space to spread out, and increase safety protocols.

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